Logic Pursuits

Navigating the Journey to Future-Ready Architecture: Infrastructure, Products, and the Pursuit of Revolution

What does generative AI mean for the future of organizations?

If you haven’t had the chance to read ‘Predicting the Generative AI Revolution Requires Learning from the Past’ by Winston Chang, Global Public Sector CTO at Snowflake, we will summarize and unpack Chang’s framework for technological revolutions, experiment with his predictions for the future, and identify the place in which you, and your organization can explore modernization in this era of near-constant change.

In summary, the article explores the evolution of technology in the business landscape, focusing on the GenAI revolution and its impact on modernizing companies. It emphasizes the importance of learning from past technological advancements to predict future trends accurately. By leveraging platforms like Snowflake’s GenAI, businesses can streamline operations, enhance decision-making processes, and stay competitive in today’s data-driven world.

As Chang states, “AI is out of the barn.”

Aligning framework to Logic Pursuits’ Client Case Study

Chang shares a macro-framework referencing how technology has created revolutions in the past. He then applies this to the future with AI/ML and postulates that in this case, data is the infrastructure, algorithms are the product, and the X factor is more widely accessible complex functions.

(Infrastructure + Products = Revolution in X).

Let’s explore this theory in real-world terms. Our B2C client faced challenges primarily within their Marketing function due to heavy reliance on third-party data sources, prompting a shift towards digital marketing strategies. They grappled with the absence of real-time data, limited flexibility, and excessive costs associated with data access.

Our initial focus was to establish a robust data access strategy, enabling in-house data management for enhanced flexibility, model building, and personalized marketing efforts. By implementing a Snowflake environment, we facilitated real-time access to data, personalized customer experiences, and reduced data access costs.

The infrastructure component represents the establishment of a robust data access strategy, focusing on in-house data management through platforms like Snowflake. This step addresses challenges such as the absence of real-time data, limited flexibility, and excessive costs associated with third-party data sources. By investing in modern data infrastructure, the client lays the foundation for future innovation and growth.


Integration of Snowflake’s GenAI feature further enhanced customer understanding and shopping behavior analysis.

The product’s component comes into play with the integration of advanced features like Snowflake’s GenAI, which enhances customer understanding and enables more sophisticated analysis of shopping behavior. This represents the product aspect of the equation, where technological tools and capabilities are leveraged to drive change and create value.


Addressing customer experience challenges, particularly regarding chargeback processes, necessitated housing Finance data within Snowflake, ensuring regulatory compliance such as Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) and bolstering customer satisfaction. This journey towards data modernization not only improved operational efficiencies but also strengthened regulatory compliance, aligning with an overarching goal of achieving more with less while operating within a controlled environment. This represents the path toward establishing a contemporary data foundation, which in turn created avenues for integrating AI and Machine Learning, emphasizing the foundational role of data infrastructure to drive technological advancements.

The revolution, as per Chang’s equation, occurs when the infrastructure and products converge to address specific challenges and unlock new opportunities. In the case of our client, this revolution manifested in the transformation of their marketing and finance functions, leading to improved customer experiences, streamlined processes, and enhanced regulatory compliance.

The example demonstrates how a strategic focus on both infrastructure and products can lead to significant revolutions within organizations, enabling them to adapt to changing market dynamics, drive innovation, and achieve strategic objectives. Or in Chang’s terms, we call this Revolution in X.

Bridging the Gap

So, how do you become an organization that is an active participant in the AI revolution?

For starters, future-ready architecture does not tie to any specific industry; AI transcends industries. We believe focusing instead on the core business functions where it can have the greatest impact. Identifying the initial use case that presents the greatest challenge, compounded by the eagerness of everyone in the organization to be the first to adopt.

Our team at Logic Pursuits engages with leaders across a variety of business functions; Marketing and Sales, Finance, Accounting and Controllership, Procurement and Supply Chain operations, Risk & Compliance, Internal Audit along with collaborate closely with Enterprise Data Management leaders who facilitate dialogue between business unit stakeholders, ensuring alignment between business needs and technological capabilities. Our success lies in bridging the gap between business users and data professionals.

What’s in it for you?

As Chang mentions in his article, there’s a massive opportunity for GenAI and LLMs to have a positive impact on businesses and the world at large. Pushing for modernization and, in turn, giving more users access to powerful, easy-to-use models brings advanced analytics and AI into the hands of more people.

As noted by Chang, a significant opportunity awaits for GenAI to profoundly influence businesses and the global landscape. Advocating for modernization and consequently granting broader access to potent, user-friendly models democratizes advanced analytics and AI, placing these tools within reach of more individuals.

Rest assured, what may appear daunting and futuristic is well within reach. We’re here to assure you that the journey towards modernization within your organization is closer than you think. Remember, the journey to AI mastery doesn’t require an overnight transition from your current state. Essentially, backing GenAI leads to being ahead of the curve, igniting creativity, and transforming your organization. AI paves the way to unlocking new opportunities for you.

About Logic Pursuits

As a data consulting firm dedicated to empowering business leaders to achieve more with less, our mission is to assist you in surpassing revenue growth barriers. We specialize in identifying opportunities, offering expert guidance, and suggesting the most suitable tools, technologies, and cutting-edge techniques, such as LLMs, ML, and GenAI, to enhance and expedite your business objectives.

Join forces with us to leverage your current business data to its fullest potential and embark on the journey towards intelligent automation, robust data management and governance, and data visualization.

With Chang’s anticipated AI/ML revolution now imminent, it’s a good time to prepare for the data-driven era ahead. If the journey towards a future-ready architecture involves solving for X through infrastructure plus product, then the revolution lies within reach.

So, what’s stopping you from taking the next step forward?