July 18 – 20, 2022
Chicago, Illinois
Join us at the Institute of Internal Auditors 2022 International Conference in Chicago, Illinois July 18 – 20. The premier global event for internal auditors, Logic Pursuits is pleased to share our analytics and automation capabilities and how we are helping leading organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, transform their internal audit function by leveraging innovative techniques that drive improved business results and deliver strategic, measurable value to an organization’s bottom line.
Come see us!
If you’re looking to improve your operational efficiencies, achieve greater audit coverage, and data-driven actionable insights, stop by our booth (#108) and meet with our managing partner Kamlesh Korat, partner Dheeraj Khandelwal, and consultant, Varun Prabhakar.
We will be demonstrating our analytics accelerators, showcasing real-world examples of our unique solution, capabilities, and art of the possible! See how we leverage our analytics, automation, and storytelling capabilities to visualize business problems and solutions more easily.